2012 "in review"

I saw Rebecca put up a year in review

 I did one last year and afterward thought, “well that’s kind of silly because if people want to read those, they’ll read them regardless of whether I put them up there in one post or not.” But then, I did like having a “go-to” spot for myself where I reflected on the posts of the month and put them in one place. 

Therefore, again this year, I will post a year in review for 2012.

January — In January, I found myself Pondering the Unknowable Future, ranting when I’m really not a ranter, but then settling down and reflecting on the grace that comes with midnight cuddles, and how quickly the first year of a baby’s life flies by and that I really don’t dislike what I always think I will.

February — I laid it out there and explained why I prefer to kneel to receive the Eucharist, and Rebecca and I (and others) shared and declared that we were “The 98%”

March — I took my civic responsibility to correspond with my elected representatives seriously as I wrote a letter to Senator Claire McCaskill taking her to task over her support for Planned Parenthood, the HHS Mandate and attacking the Catholic Church using her public office.

April — I wrote a blogpost for iusenfp.com regarding the Marquette model of NFP and followed it up with a post exploring all the curiosity I experienced in the aftermath.

May — I was a mess in May:  First I was discerning and pondering all things about NFP, Marriage, babies…then I was declaring that I didn’t want any more children (see how that worked out, huh?)…then I was backtracking and revisiting and clarifying my stance on that.  Can we say…hormones???

June — I guest-posted, and my Catholicism Nerd returned waxing philosophical on Altar Rails and Vincent turned 1!

July — I used NFP Awareness week to its fullest! 

August — So began my new role at my company and I was busier than all get-out.  Blogging time was few and far between!  But I managed to write about the changing needs of children and mothers as the family grows and grows up.

September — I admitted to being an over-worked Mama!

October — brought the revelation that I really was suffering some mild stress anxiety.  At the same time I was struggling with how to reach my pre-teen but also having fun with how cute she can be.

November — crazy month at work and at home!  But the conversation happened:  Just how DO people afford to raise a large family these days? And, in the end, I announced that my large family was growing in 2013!

December — I shared my Anxiety and Peace and ultimately addressed the elephant in the room about whether I was surprised at #6.

2011 – A Blog Year In Review

I was inspired by Elizabeth Esther’s post last week where she listed her top 15 posts of 2011.  I am nowhere near the level of EE with regards to writing, readership and the like, but I thought I’d look through my posts from 2011 and highlight the ones that stood out on their own.
Of course, THE main event of 2011, you know the one with life-changing implications, was the pregnancy, anticipation, arrival and acclimation of Vincent Gerard to our family. 
Earlier this year, I was fleshing out my feelings about my parents, the divorce and what that has meant for me as an adult and as a mother.  Here are a four posts related to that:
Four other favorites from this year:
And finally, three posts related to my acceptance of God’s call to live my vocation as a wife and mother in a more unorthodox sense:
Some of these inspired more feedback than others.  In reviewing these, I see that I write more reflection and confession than controversy.  I guess that’s par for the course for my personality as I prefer to profess my faith and state my position rather than take a defensive and protective stance braced for a fight.
I rather enjoyed reading through these again.  Sometimes I think, “Wow, I wrote that?!?” and on some things I think…”Uh…wow…I wrote that” while shaking my head.  🙂

If you have any comments to add, please do so.  I read every comment faithfully and earnestly.